I was solving algebra
And my pants felt moist;
It was Jan 26, Republic day
And the flag was yet to hoist.
Was eleven back then,
Sure, didn’t pee in bed
This time, it was something different instead.
My panties went red, the first time I’d bled
Was alone at home and all those tears I’d shed.
Mom came back, saw and smiled,
So ruthless was she, didn’t even bother I was sad;
And that was the moment when she had handed me a pad.
With my hand and hers, she taught me how to make it coil;
Like a diaper for grown ups I had it soil.
I was filled with fascination, the commencement of menstruation,
Monthly wear of pads
For hygiene and sanitation.
It was republic day and the nation had got a constitution;
Periods were all illusion was more of an illusion
But I got an amendment
And I’m stronger than before
All those contractions that I’ve endured
I bleed with pride, nothing to hide
I bleed not to kill, but to create life.
